April 24: Getting a licence to sell ayurvedic medicines is easier than getting one to sell allopathic drugs. Moreover, ayurvedic drugs are sold without the required information about their content, contra-indications, expiry date etc. This is only to be expected when the regulatory authorities are lax about these infringements of the law, and when the penalty is so paltry.
Dr M. Venkateshwarloo, inspecting medical officer, Ayush (ayurveda, yoga, unani, siddha and homeopathy), said that where earlier details about the Ayush drug did not have to be mentioned on the packaging, now it is compulsory. “It is mandatory to mention the composition, expiry date and contra-indications on every medicine bottle or pack. Those bottles without such informative labels may be spurious or sold by quacks and may contain heavy metals and preservatives more than the stipulated amount. If we get complaints from the public, we will take action,” said Dr Venkateshwarloo.
Stricter punishment is to come into force soon for infringements of this requirement. Currently, says the assistant director of the state Drug Control Administration, “in case of spurious Ayush drugs, the violator is let off with a few months’ imprisonment and a small fine. However, in case of allopathic drugs, depending on the nature of the offence, the punishment varies from five years’ imprisonment to life, besides a hefty fine.”
Dr B. Venkatram Reddy, drug inspector of the government department of Ayush, admits that getting a licence for Ayush drugs is easy. “To get a licence for the sale of homoeo drugs, the shop should be clean and hygienic and the technical person selling the medicines should have at least five years of experience, while following good manufacturing practices is needed to get a licence for manufacture of drugs.” An Ayush official said enforcement, regulatory and monitoring authorities need to be more active where sale of drugs is concerned.