Milk prices go up by Re.1 in twin cities

on Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Andhra Pradesh Diary Development Co-operative Federation Ltd has hiked the sale price of Toned Milk, Family Milk, Double Toned Milk, Cow Milk, and Diet Milk by Re. 1 for consumers of twin cities from Saturday, a press release said. For instance, the price of toned milk, which was Rs.26 per litre, will now be sold at Rs.27.

The increase in milk prices will be effective only on cash purchases and consumers who have already purchased milk cards for the month of April will continue to pay the old price till May 10.

All the existing prepaid institutions will be supplied at the old rates till April 30.

The pre-revised milk price printed on the pouch film will be continued with till stocks of old packaging film are exhausted.

The A.P. Dairy officials said that despite the rise in price, Vijaya Milk will remain the cheapest branded milk in twin cities.

Lucky draw

Starting from May 1, AP Dairy has announced a lucky draw scheme for customers who have purchased milk cards for the month of May.

Nearly 1,000 Vijaya gift hampers worth Rs.200 each will be given to 1,000 lucky consumers.

The winners will be selected by a computerised draw of lots and purchasers of bulk cards and institutions are excluded from the lucky draw, the release said.


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